Record Production of Hydroelectric Power

For the first time in the history of the country, the production of hydropower has exceeded 8,500 MW. Yesterday, 8,757 MW of electricity was generated from hydropower plants to the national grid.
According to a WAPDA spokesperson, the maximum generation of hydropower plants during critical times was 8,474 MW which was achieved on September 11 last year.
The spokesperson said that the rising water level in Tarbela and Mangla dams has resulted in higher discharge of water from reservoirs and efficiency of hydropower plants which has led to increase in hydropower generation.
According to statistics, 3331 MW of power was supplied to the national grid from Tarbela Hydel Power Station during the peak hours yesterday.
Similarly, 870 MW power was provided from Neelum Jhelum Hydel Power Station and 915 MW power from Mangla Hydel Station while 781 MW power was supplied to the national grid from other hydropower plants of WAPDA.
