Time travel is one of the most accurate and complex topic in science that is why people ignore many aspects while talking about it and as a result make a mistake of considering it as a very simple phenomenon. In ancient times, travel in time was like a dream, but then we got a chance to understand it in a real sense through the theory of addition.
The theory of relativity shock us through time dilation and gravitational time dilation and revealed the fact that the time we considered an illusion is not only connected to us but also relative, that is, for everything. Reaching deeper, it is found that time is very deeply connected to our space. If we tamper with space, it also tampers with time that's why we often say that our universe is made up of webs of time and space.
We've seen teasing in space affecting time with more gravitational planets the speed of time slows down. This difference is also present on the ground, for a person standing on the ground floor of a building the speed of time will be slower while for a person on the tenth floor the speed of time will be faster, although this is a difference of nanoseconds.
Some recent experiments have also noticed a difference in the time of the atomic clock placed at a height on a mountain and on the surface of the earth. The slowing down of time due to gravity is called Gravitational Time Dilation.
We also see signs of time slowing down for particles at CERN lab, and research has even shown that the age of astronauts returning to the International Space Station after 6 months is reduced by 5 milliseconds because there are moving at a speed of 8 kilometers per second which slows down the speed of time for these astronauts, that is why we have to adjust the time of the satellites orbiting the earth on a daily basis.
This type of time travel is called time dilation. Both of these types tell us about traveling in the future, then the question arises whether it is possible to travel in the past? According to Stephen Hawking, traveling in the past is very complicated, it is not as simple as traveling in the future.
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